Saturday, September 20, 2008

Man Has Applied For SSID Because He Has NO Job

I am hoping that this man does not get SSID, but who knows. He is 49 years old and is overweight. The reason he is overweight is that he eats everything in site and does not lift one finger to do any manual labor. The man has never held a job longer than a year and a half. He has never had his own apartment. The jobs that he has had required driving, hence the weight. Most jobs required him to clean out the vehicles at the end of his shift, which he never did, hence the terminations.

He lived with a girlfriend once until she could not put up with his laziness. Then he tried to live with his mother, but the brother who owns the house said he had to vacate immediately. Then finally, his dad took him in for a few months so he could get on his and that turned into 2 years before the dad said vacate. There is no more family to live off or friends.

He is collecting unemployment from his last driving job he was fired from and it is under $100 a week. Deciding that he is not going to work, he has convinced a doctor that he is not feeling good and he cannot breathe right because of his weight. This is probably true. He is very big. He has nowhere to live because nobody will take him. He could find a job, but that requires looking.

He has filed for SSID because his mother told him to find a doctor to sign the papers about his health problem. Weight! He should find out in a couple of months or so. He has already had his meeting, so now it is just waiting for the response.

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