Sunday, September 28, 2008

Working And Abusing SSID

Many people that receive SSID work on the sly. This means that they are getting free money while they are still able to work for cash under the table. Why, because no one cares. There are many people that file for and are accepted for SSID, but can work just fine for cash. This is the entire problem with the government. People that really need help are not allowed to collect and people that fake it pretty good get it.

How is it that a person with a legitimate health problem gets denied and Joe Blow can get it because he has a drinking problem. This is the most ridiculous system in the country. There are never any checks done after a person is accepted to SSID. If they have a cash job and rake in the money, the only one that loses are those that really need it and cannot work at all because their health will not allow it.

Do you think there is a problem with this?

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