Sunday, September 28, 2008

Working And Abusing SSID

Many people that receive SSID work on the sly. This means that they are getting free money while they are still able to work for cash under the table. Why, because no one cares. There are many people that file for and are accepted for SSID, but can work just fine for cash. This is the entire problem with the government. People that really need help are not allowed to collect and people that fake it pretty good get it.

How is it that a person with a legitimate health problem gets denied and Joe Blow can get it because he has a drinking problem. This is the most ridiculous system in the country. There are never any checks done after a person is accepted to SSID. If they have a cash job and rake in the money, the only one that loses are those that really need it and cannot work at all because their health will not allow it.

Do you think there is a problem with this?

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Saturday, September 20, 2008

Man Has Applied For SSID Because He Has NO Job

I am hoping that this man does not get SSID, but who knows. He is 49 years old and is overweight. The reason he is overweight is that he eats everything in site and does not lift one finger to do any manual labor. The man has never held a job longer than a year and a half. He has never had his own apartment. The jobs that he has had required driving, hence the weight. Most jobs required him to clean out the vehicles at the end of his shift, which he never did, hence the terminations.

He lived with a girlfriend once until she could not put up with his laziness. Then he tried to live with his mother, but the brother who owns the house said he had to vacate immediately. Then finally, his dad took him in for a few months so he could get on his and that turned into 2 years before the dad said vacate. There is no more family to live off or friends.

He is collecting unemployment from his last driving job he was fired from and it is under $100 a week. Deciding that he is not going to work, he has convinced a doctor that he is not feeling good and he cannot breathe right because of his weight. This is probably true. He is very big. He has nowhere to live because nobody will take him. He could find a job, but that requires looking.

He has filed for SSID because his mother told him to find a doctor to sign the papers about his health problem. Weight! He should find out in a couple of months or so. He has already had his meeting, so now it is just waiting for the response.

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Doctor Said This Patient Cannot Work

A woman who asthma cannot work because she has breathing problems. Her doctor should have taken the time to know her and her habits before saying she could not work and signing documents to the fact. The woman did not want to work. She spends all her time in the bar.

She has asthma. Well she smokes cigarettes, has five cats, two dogs and two birds and spends all her time in the bar drinking. She can dance. She can laugh and have fun. Not once did she ever have to use an inhaler. However, a doctor confirmed that this woman could not work.

She is living off SSID and having a great time. She never seems to have any breathing problems even when she is smoking her cigarettes. It amazes me how easy it is for people that just don’t want to work to get SSID, when people that really need it cannot get it.

Do you feel that SSID is being abused or do you think this is acceptable?

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Mom Gets SSID For Five Kids With ADD

Now, I know many people that have this problem. I know one parent that had all of hers kids tested so she could get SSID for each one them so she did not have to work. The kids were tested and she got the checks every month. The money was used to pay the rent, feed the family and support her boyfriend and their drug habit. At least the money was spent on something good!

Now, lets look at the kids today. The oldest boy had been arrested and convicted of sexually molesting his sister and served his time. He no longer gets SSID because he has to work. The two younger boys no longer get SSID and work when they can hold a job because of a problem with missing work. They both have kids and a wife. One has three kids and is still married. The other one has two kids and is divorced. Neither one receives any SSID neither do their kids.

The daughter is the only one that needs help, but I am not sure what kind. She does not hold down a job because she likes to party. She lives with her mother. She does not receive SSID any longer. Now the mom of all these grown children is collecting SSID. She is getting SSID because all her years of gaining weight paid off as well as smoking all those cigarettes. She has a weight problem and emphysema from smoking.

She even had the medical insurance pay for a surgery to lose weight. Everyone was on SSID and now she is to. She does not have to work although the she can go out and dance with the kids and drink. She cannot work because of her weight or her emphysema, but she can dance up a storm.

I am glad the SSID money was spent so well on kids that needed it when they were young, but not as adults. Do you smell something funny there?

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Fibromyalgia Suffer Denied SSID

There are many people that need some financial help because of a disability. One such person I know about has a medical condition called fibromyalgia. She had applied for SSID and was denied. The SSID department told her to find a job that she could do that would work around her disease. Have you ever tried to work around a disease that causes chronic fatigue? It is not something that can be accomplished very easily.

She has been working at home trying to do some freelance writing, yet she needs more money to live and survive. Her life could be so much easier if she could rest when she needs to and have some much needed medical care that we all know costs money. Especially for an existing condition. She looks daily for work and if she is lucky enough to find something, she makes a little money to buy some food and pay some of her rent.

This person is in need of SSID. Later, you hear a story about someone that gets SSID and why? I plan to report on all cases of SSID abuse that I feel is wrong.

Do you think a person with fibromyalgia should receive SSID?

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Sunday, September 14, 2008

Abusing SSID

How do you feel about the people that are receiving SSID and could be working. They work jobs under the table because they want more money. They work jobs that are easy and they do not have to work hard to live.

I am so sick of hearing about all these people that get SSID and they can sit on a bar stool without a problem. They get SSID and fall under the radar because no one says a word.

Isn't it time for people to stand up and say "Enough is enough," stop living off us and let the people that need it have it.

You will hear some stories here that will make your blood boil. It makes me madder than hell. How about you?

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