Friday, October 10, 2008

SSID Ends Even Though She Is Still Sick

A woman tells you the story about how her SSID is ending and that means that she will no longer have health insurance. She cannot get health care through her partners health plan because they are lesbians. This is sad that so many things make it hard for this person to stay alive.

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No Money For Social Security

What is going to happen to Social Security for those who retire at 62 or older with all the SSID being given away? The way the government is throwing away money, it is looking more or less like there is going to be nothing left for those who work every day so they can retire with benefits.

The bailout cost $700 billion dollars and then the AIG company executives spent a week at a spa that cost $400,000. The bailout money was spent well don't you think? They needed the money so bad that when they got it, they needed to spend some of it to pleasure themselves. The rich getting richer is what I see. I have never been to a spa much less spent $150,000 for food for a week.

So the stock market is taking a dive and that is going to affect your 401K and invested pensions. So, what are you going to live on if social security is gone? Don't you think it is time to stand up and make the government accountable for all SSID claims they are paying? You better start looking out for yourself because the government is not going to do it.

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Payday Was Yesterday For SSID

Some SSID receivers got their checks yesterday and the bar was packed. The gambling machines were spinning and you could not find a seat in an otherwise comfortable bar. During the day there is always a place to sit, but being around the first of the month, it was standing room only.

One particular person amazed me. The pot was up on the gambling game and he was putting $20's in the machine. I stood watching in the background waiting for my turn when he was done. After a few hours, I walked over to see how things were coming along. I was informed that it was payday today and I have lots of money to keep going.

Yes, this was a receiver of SSID. He gets a payment because he can't work because his back brothers him to stand for long periods and he can move so fast. Well he sure did move fast when he thought he won the pot of $150 for $180 contribution. He forgot to watch his credits and only bet 7 instead of 8 and when the fruits hit, he did not get the bonus pot.

After I was done laughing at him jumping up and down cursing his own stupidity, I went over, added my $5 to the pot, and won the jackpot. I could not help wonder how he felt, but I think by his remarks he was not happy.

Ah, the joys of getting free money.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

People That Do Not Need SSID

There are many people receiving SSID that should not be getting or are getting it for the wrong reasons. The people that need help are people with health problems that prevent them from working or functioning in a job. This means any job.

Just because a person has a drinking problem is no reason to collect SSID. A person that has ADD can still work. A person that has a heart condition cannot work. A person that has crippling arthritis cannot work.

It seems that some people that cannot work because of there health problems are not able to receive SSID because the people that do not need it are getting it. Here is another story of a 40-year-old woman that is collecting SSID for herself.

This woman has nothing wrong with her except that she was diagnosed with ADD as a child. She can play gambling games and it holds her attention for hours. She can drink and have a good time. She can even paint or do chores for the tavern owners to make more money to gamble and drink when the SSID runs outs for the month.

Whenever she needs extra cash, she finds cash jobs to do and some of these jobs take concentration and physical ability. She does great work so everyone hires her to work for them. She is collecting SSID and works for cash when she needs more money. There is nothing wrong with her.

Is this fair?

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